This work was carried out to investigate the effects of Burrantashi extracts on the lipoproteins Burantashi is a popular seasoning agent to barbecued meat (Suya) in Nigeria. Found in the northern parts of the country. Lipoproteins are the principal steroid or fat that is synthesized in the liver or intestines of animals. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the consistent or recurrent inability of a man to attain or maintain penile erection, sufficient for sexual activity (2nd international consultation on sexual dysfunction Paris, June 28th –July 1 st 2003). Following the discovery and introduction of burantashi research on the mechanism underlying penile erection, had an enormous boost and many preclinical and clinical papers have been published in the last five years on the peripheral regulation of, and the mediators involved in human penile erection. The most widely accepted risk factors for e.g. are discussed. The research is focused on human data and the safety and effectiveness of burantashi stem as a phosphodiesterase – 5- inhibitors (PDEs) used to treat erectile dysfunction.